Ridin solo part 2

I’m back and feeling so much better guys! Just getting everything off of my chest helped me clear my head and now everything is looking up 🙂 now I’ll regale you with my Calgary tales!

Ok so by Saturday I wasn’t really riding solo anymore. But the drive home on Sunday was looming which was a total bummer because I’m a chatty bitch and hate driving alone.

Anywho… We got up early-ish Saturday and made our way to Banff! Not a bad drive, it’s so close to Calgary.

Once we got there, we explored the shops a little and then decided to follow the Bow River down to the falls.

I’ve never been before, despite being in Banff countless times. It was super beautiful. I love any kind of falls. It surprisingly wasn’t very touristy, which is strange for a Saturday. I guess we lucked out!!After the falls, we wandered into the Legislature grounds and walked through the not yet planted garden. I’ll go back and get pictures for ya’ll later in the summer when it’s not just dirt there haha I’ve been before during the July/August weekends, and man do they ever go all out. It’s beautiful and a must see. It’s free and easily accessible, so if you’re shopping down the main drag you have no excuse not to go!

Basically, the garden is beautiful and that’s where I’ll be married. Beautiful flowers and a mountain view, what more could a girl ask for?

Unfortunately we couldn’t spend all day wandering Banff, since we were going back to Calgary for a bbq/party that my sister’s friends were throwing.

Despite being Recruitment Chair, VP Membership Educator, and then President throughout my time in the sorority, I’ve got social anxiety like you wouldn’t believe. I think I’ve just gotten good at hiding it though. Wine helps, not even gonna lie.

So Saturday night was basically us getting pretty drunkypants. And me finding a new Game of Thrones buddy to talk to and tell my lame theories to. Good night had by all!

Drunk Kelsey is such a gem though. She updated the iOS on my phone for me so now I have new emojis (something I’ve put off doing for 6 months). But she also set my alarm for 8am so I won’t give her too much credit.

Sunday wasn’t too crazy, slept in, got up to go get some pho. Went to see Captain America (Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans, good lord you have my heart). 

Then next thing you know the day was over and it was time for the dreaded drive home DUN DUN DUUUUN. It rained, which kept things interesting. I think I’ll download an audiobook next time! I actually don’t mind driving in the rain, I’m a good driver (but I’m sure everyone says this about themselves) and there’s something very peaceful about being able to watch the rain. 

What keeps you guys entertained in the car?

Health is wealth – take care of yourselves 

It’s been a long week. And it’s only Tuesday. 

The second part of my Calgary adventure will be up soon, promise! It’s been a hard week – work hasn’t been great and I’ve been feeling overwhelmed with life. This is a pretty personal post, so if you’re looking for one of my adventures, maybe check out some of my past few posts! I’ll be back to posting like my old self in a few days, promise.

I usually don’t open up about my mental health much, but hey letting it all out feels good. This past year, I’ve suffered from what I guess you could call desperation. Things feel very bleak sometimes, and although I know things will be better in the future, it’s hard to see past the here and now. 

The worst thing about it all is that the littlest things set it off. I’ll be having a great day – hell, a great month – and then something small happens and all of a sudden my head and chest feel full of fog that just won’t clear.

That’s why it’s been so important to me lately to do things I love (like traveling and adventuring, or being in the mountains. Nothing beats mountain air) because the good things in life lift the fog and help me see clearer. Planning out my trips is a mood-lifter, so be prepared for a couple of planning posts!

Keeping everything bottled up is toxic. Remember to take care of yourself and your mental health. Do the things you love, do what you gotta do to take care of yourself. 

Since writing this post, I’m feeling a lot better. Just getting this stuff out of your head is wonderful. Here, have some pictures of the mountains, it always makes me feel a lot better. 

Health is wealth people, if you need me let me know. ❤️

Ridin solo part 1

Ok guys I’m posting a little late here from the weekend, but it’s been a crazy week!
So I drove myself down to Calgary to visit my sister last weekend. It was my first time driving there alone, and man was it lonely. The beginning of the trip wasn’t too bad, and the Edmonton radio stations still came through pretty strong. Once I hit Red Deer and decided to stop for a bathroom break (and milkshake from Peter’s Drive In, because if you skip that then you’re gonna be sad), my radio stations cut out and I got a huge wave of loneliness. Usually my boyfriend/copilot is with me to talk to (usually about conspiracy theories), so I definitely missed having him with me. The radio stations just weren’t familiar and mostly country, so I had to opt for my aux cord and phone.
I’m pretty proud of myself for making it to the Calgary University in once piece. Usually I’m awful at directions and end up completely and totally lost. But I made it! Once there, my sister and I grabbed dinner and decided to head to bed because we were going to hit up Banff on Saturday. 

I think I’ll save Saturday and Sunday as a separate post, since Saturday was more eventful and will make this post be massive!


Moral of the story: riding solo sucks, someone come be my copilot.